Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I'm still here!

So a lot has happened since my last posts! So I quit my job because my hubby wants me to finish my degree. So I am in my last year of college finally. I had taken a break from school because there was no way I could do both work and school. Do u think I'm cray-cray?! Lol I am hoping I can make it through without any hiccups. See the beginning of the summer I started the first summer session and I made it through that ok and now it's nearing the end of the second summer session and I'm starting to feel it. I am doing so well in school I don't want my back to screw it up. I'm did talk to my advisor about it. Let's be real for a second, do u ever get embarrassed to admit something is wrong or u might need help? Because I do. I never want to admit I can't do something. I feel like people will look at me funny or think I am making it up. But I talked to her and she said to contact the student disability center so I can get excuses from certain things. Right now I am really starting to feel more when I walk. Usually I feel a tinge if I step wrong and that's not all the time. Now I am feeling it after I sit for a while then like every step hurts. But it's only sometimes... Idk what is happening to me.
Before my back used to pop all the time and I think that actually must have relieved the stress back there. Because now I'm not popping as much and there is more tension. That's just my own personal hypothesis. I used to feel like a friggin bowl of Rice Krispies but not anymore.

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