Saturday, June 8, 2013

Doing too much

My goodness, last week one of my dear aunts passed. So besides working, btw I got that reduced back to part time thank God. But besides working I have been driving family around and preparing things for the service. The service was held yesterday. Well my back started to bite yesterday before the service. It seems like all the extra stuff was slowly creeping up on me. I didn't remind myself at all during the week to slow down. The slower I got the more the sadness of a lost aunt would creep in. She was such a good woman. She went through so much. I am going to miss her loudness and her smile. I am going to miss her welcoming spirit. She just loved for people to come over and see her. She always wanted you to pick something up for her whether it was a cold pop or a treat. I remember she used to love reese's peanut butter cups so much. I am going to miss her cooking, she always made such a big meal on all the holidays. All the things she went through made her turn her life around for the better. I was glad I got to know the goodness in her heart.
With all that aside...
My advice for the future me or others out there with this issue is to SLOW DOWN! Even if it means facing reality and having a cry. Even if you are having fun and the time just seems to slip by, slow down. Doing too much causes flares, as we all are well aware of. But sometimes it just helps to have someone virtually yell at you to remember your body can't handle all that.
It's funny one of my cousins said jeez Jenny you sound like an old person with all those pills and your pill box..little do they know I am an old person on the inside.

Until next, time take it easy!


  1. Hi Jen I notice your blog and the ddd in which you describe. I currently dealing with it too but in the l5-s1 level. If I were you try to avoid fusion and get the M6 disc replacement.

  2. Thanks, I go see my doctor tomorrow. I will inquire about this.
