Tuesday, May 28, 2013

One or the other...

So in seeing support groups and reading what people have to say about DDD, I've concluded you're either happy or sad. The happy people are content in their life and find ways to beat the pain and give others sound advice. The sad people complain a lot and not to knock ANYONE'S pain but try to convince people that they are way worse off than anyone else. The happy people turn to another outlet religion or other hobbies to take the focus off their disease. The sad people sit online all day in various support groups and talk about what a horrible position they are in.
The happy people maybe found good doctors that try to support their position and give them good care. The sad people probably never found a good doctor. I've also noticed that the happy people follow the doctors orders and follow through with physical therapy. The sad people say everything is a waste of time and try to find a magic pill to take it all away.
I am not saying I am one or the other. Frankly I feel I am somewhere in the middle. I have bad days and I have really good days. I just notice this trend of people being either always on the up or always on the down. I feel bad for the ones always down. I don't ever want to get to that, where I just see no light at the end of the tunnel. I want to always be happy. I just don't know the secret.

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