Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I used to love rain...

Ah! It's raining again! The sound of rain used to lull me into a deep sleep more than usual and I would sleep so well. Now even with pain meds I get woken up to tight muscles wanting to spaz out. This is so crazy. The only thing I know how to do when I'm sleeping is stretch my muscles out and they seem to calm. The one stretch I do that seems to help most is lying on my back and bringing my knee to my chest and just holding it. I'm not sure if ice on rainy nights would help or heat. I will look into that.
I miss loving the rain. I miss loving the rumbles of thunder as they rock me away to dream land. Now all I got to lull me to sleep is snoring from the husband and and dog who whimpers when she dreams. Speaking of the one who snores, I had 2 nephews over one night and I fell asleep way before the husband and nephews. When I woke to use the bathroom I heard awful snoring from the living room I walked in to see how many people were in there sleeping on the couches. The snoring had two awful tunes so I thought maybe all of them are in the living room sleeping. To my surprise it was just my husband snoring away on the couch. The two tunes were when he breathed in one noise and when he breathed out a different noise! I could not believe it was just him. Crazy!
Well on a brighter not so tired note, I have a new puppy laying next to me. She hails from the same parents my other puppy came from. She is adorable. I forgot how tiny my puppy was. This one came to me close to being trained. She whimpers a lot but I think it's only day two and she's just been scared. It's died down a bit from day 1. She has the floppiest ears when she runs it is the sweetest thing.
Well on that note I will try and close my eyes and go back to sleep. Hopefully.
Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. LOL...Girl I am cracking up-on the inside mostly cuz I'm currently too ill w other stuff going on since I last posted w in the hour. No shit! You can't make this crap up. Believe me it's def not for attention. I don't know if I picked up a virus from my teenaged son, it was the Big Mac I ate last night, a flare up of my IBS, me trying to take Alli to conteract the rare junk food I I know was I was begging, and crying asking GOD for some relief. I have fibromyalgia along with ddd, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, ibs, gerd, anxiety, ocd...hmmm...did I leave anything out??? The kitchen sink maybe?? LOL. It sounds to me you may have fibro too. It n ddd are related. A bit more about me: I am a mother of 2 teenagers, I was in school for nursing n regret to this day I didn't stick w it. I dropped out cuz my kids were smaller n I had no help from family. My ex drove me to a nervous bkdn. I keep beating myself up for not being emotionally stronger back then. Anyhoo, my dear departed Mom was an rn n she sd don't go into nursing. It is a back breaking profession. She herself had back surgeries when I was younger. I was so young, I don't remember the specifics. I have dogs...they help relieve stress and sense when I am upset. They are two toy poodles and a Standard poodle. OMG, of course I am biased, but so smart sweet dogs n if I had the money and land I would have 25 more!!! Ya n throw in a groomer cuz these furbabies def need grooming, st else I thought I CLD handle...sorry, not trying to vent on your blog. I know I shd get my own but I couldn't keep it up. It was rt after my Mom died in 2010 and it rocked my world. But I am a survivor of so many things, hopefully we can be a support to each other. I am 44 years young by the way lol. I say that cuz I still have hopes, dreams, goals. Even tho like you, I feel wayyyyy older on the inside most days. Ya gotta look on the bright side right? PEACE, and gentle hug to you : )
