Wednesday, September 18, 2013

End of the Road

Doctors visit was a bit harsher than most. Doctor basically told me that he has done everything he can. He can't fix me he can only help me maintain. I knew that going in, he was only going to make me as good as he possibly could and try to maintain. He did help me. He did help me walk straighter and move more. He helped most of the pain reduce. However, its still there. Its never gonna go away.
So guess what? He is referring me to a neurologist or a surgeon I forgot which because my husband was the one talking with him. I was pretty upset because it just sounded like my doctor was giving up on me. Even though he was not giving up he was just stating that he has gotten me as far as he can. I am so glad my husband was there because I was in tears hearing this and I couldn't focus on the options for the referrals he was giving me.
I just thought there were more options and maybe he is not the one who has those for me. I am still fairly new to all this so I am trying to figure it all out. Meeting with other doctors I feel doctor is like, "yeah a legit patient,you have something wrong with you, I WANT all your money" and they are just trying to get in before another doctor dives in. It already costs so much and now I have to decide what I want to do and which path is right for me. I just know everyone is going to try and sell me on their ideas of what is best for me. I wish doctors would be as straight for was as my current doctor. He told me from the beginning he can help me he can't fix me but he would try everything he could to make me feel better. He did. I just worry I am going to choose the wrong thing going forward.
I hope it doesn't mean this is the end of the road.


  1. Hi Jennifer - glad I found your blog, but sad to see you haven't found relief. I am 35 and thin/healthy except for DDD really destroying me. I've been in daily pain for over a year, but chronic on and off since I was a teenager. I've done PT (and still do the exercises at home), epidural steroid injections, massage, many doctors, etc. I'm at the point where I'm trying to get my insurance to cover spinal fusion surgery but still looking for other options. Were the trigger point injections not doing the trick? I've been reading about people who were saved by them, but it sounds like you're not one of them. Wondering more about your experience there. Thanks! Good luck!

    1. Oh Alison I'm so sorry my reply didn't save I thought it did weeks ago! Trigger point injections are really nice they work for some but not for others. My insurance only covers so many so I have not had any in a while. Just been doing pt I try to get out there once a week at least. I've been working on managing with that and figuring out how to work with my medications. I've noticed sometimes if I take the Mobic I feel a lot better and sometimes I just need to to stretch.
