Thursday, April 18, 2013

Work shmerk

Okay so it's not like I do anything strenuous like lift dead bodies or turn over concrete with my bare hands. However, the mere thought of work makes me nervous. I sit at a desk all day and talk on the phone and type. But when my doctor told me he wants me to go back to work I got a nervous lump in my gut. Then I told him I have disability through work and he said oh okay well lets keep you off another month. Whew! Dodged that bullet. That was last month and although then I didn't feel ready, I feel pretty good now. But that kind of good where you are in the comfort of your own home and can lay down anytime you want good.
My work will only let me come back if I work a minimum of 16 hours. That would be 4 hours for 4 days. I know it's not a lot but when you add in travel time there and back its like 19 okay that's still not a lot. I never birthed a baby but I swear its going to feel like being dialated to 10 and pushing for 4 hrs every day that I am there. So maybe my vagina won't hurt like actually birthing a baby but you get the idea. I swear my nerves kill me. Being "stuck" somewhere without an option to leave makes me go on alert. I have been gone awhile and am very nervous the last time I was there I was doing the sad dance in my seat because I couldn't sit comfortably and nothing worked. The chairs suck at my job they are just regular old office chairs. But I will get the stand or sit option. I will have a high desk which is good.
Omg I am nervous. I wish I could just get a VPN account and work from home. That would be so awesome. Wait. I can do this.....right? I will be okay. It's just a short drive I have my pills it's only 4 hours. I can do this.
Will update on how this turns out. Until then I think I can I think I can...

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