Thursday, May 23, 2013

Just hanging out...

So I got over that whole dramatic evening. I think you need one of those every once in a while. Everyone knows a good breakdown at night makes for a good morning. I mean its just common knowledge. No really I don't know anyone who says that. But it sounded good, right?
So the days of this month are dwindling down and that means I will be back to work full time here shortly. I am really nervous about that. My body is just getting used to the part time. Which means the transition will be really hard for me. I love the thought of working full time. But I live in a body that doesn't want me to. It will be so difficult to live on just my husbands income and with no insurance that wouldn't get me very far at all. Why does life have to be so darn difficult!
On a brighter note I am getting a tooth pulled on Friday! Oh wait... I guess that is not a brighter note :) LOL
But really it is a good note I have some baby teeth still that do not have adults over them so they have just been hanging in there all this time. Eventually they will all have to get pulled. So, its not really a bad note or a good note, its an expected note!
Well my back is sore so maybe I should go take some meds and maybe I will venture out in the rain to the farmers market with my dog. She hates the rain but loves food should be fun!
Till next time!

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