Monday, February 11, 2013

My Puppy and Baby talk

I don't have any children yet but I do have a dog. It was easier to talk my husband into a dog rather than children :). I am not sure but it feels like some days I wouldn't even get out of bed if I didn't have her. She is my baby. She is a small dog so she is super easy to care for. She can be a ball full of energy at times and then the cutest cuddly little puppy the rest of the time. Well I guess she is not really a puppy anymore she turns a whole 1 this month. She takes my mind off of things and makes me so happy. I am not sure if people out there are animal lovers or not. But before her I would have never thought I could love an animal so much. I was soooo NOT into dogs at all. I mean they poop in the yard and they stink. Well I figured out thats if you don't take care of them properly keeping your yard clean and giving them baths really eliminates the negatives.
To be quite frank I am scared to carry a child. I don't think my body could handle it. But I want so badly to have at least one. I know my clock is ticking I can hear it all the time. Especially when you have a family pushing it so hard. Everytime I visit my grandma she tilts her head and glances over her glasses, "Well, have you got any news for me?" We both know what she is talking about. Unfortunatly, I always say "no, not yet grandma". Well I go to the doctor tomorrow for pain management I suppose I should talk to them about the 'what if's' of carrying.
Some days I am glad I just have my baby girl and that I don't have to go through the pain of pushing a baby out of my crotch. Then I watch '16 and Pregnant' and I get jealous.....That is a guilty pleasure. I don't admit that to a whole lot of people, LOL. Of course I also have to watch 'Teen Mom' too. I am such a sucker for reality shows even though I know a lot of them are scripted and staged. I still like them.
Until tomorrow I will post with what my new regimine will be.


  1. I am addicted to that show and am looking forward to watching the new season of "Teen Mom 3" starting here pretty soon. I thought that I would never enjoy having kids as much as I do. Yeah birth was painful, scary, and almost deadly for me, but it was all worth it now. You guys will know when the right time is. Enjoy life for now, as much as your able to with your back.

    1. Thanks ang! You've always been a really good friend!

  2. Lol I'm glad I'm not alone with those reality shows!
